
Eine ASP-Anwendung wurde von einem IIS-6 auf einen IIS-7 Server umgestellt.

Die Komponenten von ComponentArt wurden daraufhin nicht mehr korrekt gerändert.

Lösung in aspx:

Beim Upgrade von IIS-6 nach IIS-7 muss die web.config angepasst werden.




Configuring ComponentArt ScriptHandler

Since client scripts are compiled into the ComponentArt.Web.UI.dll assembly as resources, taking advantage of optimizations described above is as simple as adding a couple of entries to the application's web.config file:
  1. The first entry is a reference to the ComponentArt ScriptHandler. Because of changes with the way that HTTP Handlers are defined with IIS 7, the way the ScriptHandler is added depends on the version of IIS that the application will be running under.

    IIS 5/6

    <add type="ComponentArt.Web.UI.ScriptHandler,ComponentArt.Web.UI" path="ComponentArtScript.axd" verb="*" />

    For the sake of compatibility, it is often helpful to include both the IIS 5/6 method, as well as the IIS 7 one. This is possible, as long as the validation element is present, as in the following code:

    IIS 7

    <validation validateIntegratedModeConfiguration="false"/>
    <add name="ComponentArtScriptHandler" type="ComponentArt.Web.UI.ScriptHandler,ComponentArt.Web.UI" path="ComponentArtScript.axd" verb="*" />
  2. Specify which controls are used by your app in the appSettings section:
    <add key="ComponentArtScriptControls" value="Grid,TreeView,Menu" />
    To output the entire Web.UI client script library you may set value="All" in the appSettings entry. To avoid a large initial download and load control scripts on-demand (one unified script resource per Web.UI control), set the value to "PerControl".